Monday 14 November 2011

for my junior HANIS ZAWANI ^_^

~ You must post these rules.
~ Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
~ Answer the question the tagger set for you in their post. And create new eleven question for the people you tagged to answer.
~ You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
~ Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
~ No tag back.
~ No stuff in the tagging section about "YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS" YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST WITH ALL HONESTY)" have tagged 11 people.
About Me .
  1. Nur diyanah / dyana nova
  2. sixteen :)
  3. 27 November 2011 
  4. penang norhh ! haha
  5. friendly,,
  6. bnyak kawan dan pminat kowt (perasan ==)
  7. syg family and my geng
  8. syg kawan baik jga :)
  9. syg junior 
  10. suka shopping,mkn,tdo                                          
Soalan yg perlu dijawab , XD
-hmpa syg aku dak?
-spa bf/gf hmpa?
-hmpa suka cikgu dak?
-parent/kawan spa dulu?
-najwa latif or yuna ?
-nak tngok sikit kawan baik hmpa spa. senaraikan?
-hmpa suka tngok katun pa?
-hmpa suka dak budak blagak kaya?
-blog/twitter/fb hmpa pilih yg mna? kalau hmpa pilih slah satu tu hmpa linkkan ok?
-hmpa suka dak kisah dongeng yg kat tv3 time cuti ni?
-hmpa rasa hmpa cun dak? 

Jawapannya :)

- mestilah syg ! junior yg gla2 sma mcm senior 
- bf ? rmai,,tpi aku plih 1 ja , zarith
- tngok laa ckgu apa
- parents of cos :)
- dua2 tak minat =='
- myza,aina,mila,anis,aimi,nisya,zarith,faizal,faiz
- donald duck,,woody woodpecker,,avatar :)
- herhhh ==' rsa nak bgi pnyepak ja ><
- suka ,,pas2 p skolah dok ejek balik plakon 2,,haha
- kami rasa kami x comey,,tpi rmai dok kta kita ikut majority la XD ahha

Oke,,setelah tngok contoh ,, bru aku reti..haha...nah HANIS ! kami dah jwab XD